Quiz | Innovative Financial Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation

By Deborah Murphy, Senior Associate, NAP Global Network Secretariat (IISD)

Significant financial resources are required now and in the coming decades for people and systems to adapt to a changing climate. Developing countries need about USD 212 billion per year up to 2030 to address their adaptation needs, yet adaptation finance flows were only USD 56 billion in 2021-2022.1 Private sector investment has a pivotal […]

What Is the NAP Assessment in Bonn, and Why Does It Matter? 

By Orville Grey and Jeffrey Qi, NAP Global Network Secretariat, IISD

At the UN Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 60), taking place from June 3 to 13, countries will initiate an assessment of their progress in formulating and implementing their NAPs.   We look more closely at what that means, and what’s at stake.  What is the Assessment of Progress in the NAP process?   The benefits of […]

Sustaining Hope and Harvesting Rainwater

This photo essay by Viliami Takau from the Tongan government’s JNAP Secretariat shares stories of how this national adaptation plan is being implemented. View the story Sustaining Hope and Harvesting Rainwater Tonga builds resilience in face of climate crisis This photo essay by Viliami Takau from the Tongan government’s JNAP Secretariat shares stories of how […]

Thriving in Dry Times

How Kenyan communities are working toward drought-resilient livelihoods through the national adaptation plan process

Kenyan communities are responding to the hardships of drought through a diverse range of strategies to establish climate-resilient livelihoods—restoring irrigation canals, taking on new farming techniques, and building water pans.

Renforcement de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques au Cameroun : la nécessité d’un système efficace de suivi, d’évaluation et d’apprentissage

Par Mesmin Tchindjang, enseignant et expert en adaptation aux changements climatiques

en prévision de la prochaine mise à jour du PNA, le Cameroun a entrepris une analyse technique avec le soutien du Réseau mondial de PNA en vue d’éclairer la création d’un système de suivi, d’évaluation et d’apprentissage d’adaptation.

Visualizing Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning in National Adaptation Planning Processes  

By Emilie Beauchamp, Lead, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Adaptation to Climate Change, NAP Global Network, IISD

Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems are used to provide a structured approach to monitoring progress, evaluating results, and learning to ensure climate change adaptation strategies are effectively achieving their intended outcomes. This blog builds on what the NAP Global Network has learned about effective NAP processes to identify and explain the basics of a MEL system as part of NAP processes.

Climate Resilience From Mountaintop to Seafloor

How three communities in Grenada are implementing the national climate change adaptation plan

The tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique has made meaningful progress on building resilience to cope with the impacts of climate change. This article explores how three Grenadian communities have reduced their climate vulnerability and built resilience by implementing country’s National Adaptation Plan.

Climate Resilience From Mountaintop to Seafloor: How three communities in Grenada are implementing the national climate change adaptation plan

The tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique has made meaningful progress on building resilience to cope with the impacts of climate change. This article explores how three Grenadian communities have reduced their climate vulnerability and built resilience by implementing country’s National Adaptation Plan. View the story Grenada’s NAP Blaize Lauriston Telescope Beach Climate […]