Adaptation to Climate Change: Putting people first

by Daniel Morchain

This op-ed was originally published in Portuguese by “A Tarde” newspaper from Salvador, Brazil, on August 19, 2019. This week, people from all over Latin America gather under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Salvador, Brazil, to discuss—and hopefully act on—the climate crisis we are all experiencing, a […]

Malawi Validates National Adaptation Plan Framework

The Government of Malawi validated its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework in a national workshop that took place in Lilongwe on August 9. Hosted by the Malawian Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) in partnership with the NAP Global Network, the event gathered participants from 16 institutions representing government, civil society, academia and youth. Malawi’s NAP framework […]

Self-Assessment: A Learning Tool for Improving the Effectiveness of NAP Processes

The NAP Global Network’s South–South peer learning events provide a forum for exploring different aspects of the NAP process, focusing on key technical issues that will improve effectiveness. These events have used a variety of methods to support NAP actors from different countries in building their knowledge and learning from one another. Among these, self-assessment […]

Self-Assessment: : A Learning Tool for Improving the Effectiveness of NAP Processes

A learning tool for improving the effectiveness of NAP processes View the story Self-Assessment A learning tool for improving the effectiveness of NAP processes LEA EN ESPAÑOL / LIRE EN FRANÇAIS As countries advance their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, they are increasingly concerned with issues of effectiveness in both the NAP process and its […]

South Africa Hosts Climate Science and Policy Winter School for Government Officials

South African government officials met in Cape Town last month for a five-day workshop to learn more about the intersection of climate science and policy. This workshop, which took place from July 1 to 5, was a special session of the accredited Winter School offered by the University of Cape Town and organized by the […]

Peru Will Be the First Country in the World With an Indigenous Climate Platform

Press release | Peruvian Ministry of Environment

(Lea abajo la versión en español) LIMA — Peru will be the first country in the world to have an Indigenous Climate Platform, putting it at the forefront of global climate action. This milestone initiative will strengthen the recognition and dissemination of Indigenous knowledge and practices that contribute to the comprehensive management of climate change, […]

Sierra Leone Builds Political Support and Momentum for the NAP Process Through National Workshop

FREETOWN – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Sierra Leone hosted a workshop this week for key government decision-makers in the country’s National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process. The goal of the workshop was to build further political support for strengthening the country’s resilience to climate change. Taking place on July 30, 2019, in the nation’s […]

Deuxième Forum Francophone sur le processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PNA)

Communiqué de presse | Le Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, Sénégal

Lors de la Conférence de Cancun sur le climat en 2010, les États signataires de la Convention-Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques (CCNUCC) ont adopté le processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PNA) pour réduire leur vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques et intégrer l’adaptation dans les processus de planification du développement à tous les niveaux […]