
Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below to see the latest media releases from NAP Global Network and features in media.

Charting the Future: Zimbabwe’s Leap Towards Climate Resilience in Victoria Falls

As the world grapples with the escalating challenges of climate change, the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Wildlife and the NAP Global Network, with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, co-host a workshop to share experiences on national efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change. At the heart of this initiative is a clear objective: to evaluate and enhance the country’s readiness for implementing adaptation measures that are not only sustainable but also inclusive.

The gathering in Victoria Falls is not just another meeting. It is a critical juncture for stakeholders from across the globe to come together, share insights, and chart a comprehensive roadmap for national climate change adaptation efforts.

Saint Lucia launches Green Climate Fund readiness project

The government has launched the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme Grant (NAP GCF) project.

The 30-month GCF Readiness Project aims to develop adaptation measures in key sectors further and inform action, ultimately supporting the shift from adaptation planning to implementation.

The project is valued at US$1.7 million and will be rolled out in phases over 30 months. It seeks to strengthen the capacity of the remaining priority NAP sectors, namely education, tourism, and infrastructure/spatial planning, to develop sectoral adaptation strategies and action plans.

Saint Lucia launches Green Climate Fund Readiness Project to advance NAP Process

The Government of Saint Lucia takes a significant step in advancing its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with the launch of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme Grant (also referred to as the NAP GCF Readiness Project). The awarded 30-month GCF Readiness Project, titled Enhancing Saint Lucia’s National Adaptation Plan Process Through the Elaboration of Sector Strategies and Action Plans, a Strengthened Evidence Base, and Improved Private Sector Engagement, will actively engage stakeholders to overcome capacity and research limitations. The aim is to further develop adaptation measures in key sectors and to inform action, ultimately supporting the shift from adaptation planning to implementation.

The project launch and inaugural engagement session took place on February 8, 2024, at the Bay Gardens Hotel Bougainvillea Conference Room and brought together key stakeholders, experts, technical officers from various ministries, non-governmental and civil society organizations, and private sector actors to discuss key project areas. St. Lucia’s Sustainable Development Minister, Hon. Shawn Edward, was in attendance and expressed his gratitude to partners and stakeholders.

Launch of proposed Regional Goal on Adaptation for the Caribbean

As intense negotiations on the Global Goal on Adaptation appear to have reached a stalemate at the pivotal United Nations global climate summit, COP28, a number of Caribbean leaders and climate experts forged ahead to launch a landmark civil society led framework to build resilience to these climate change impacts, the proposed Regional Goal on Adaptation (RGA) for the Caribbean.

Dr. Orville Grey, Head of Secretariat for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, International Institute for Sustainable Development, also urged governments to utilise the proposed RGA for the Caribbean.

“Not every Caribbean country has already developed a National Adaptation Plan, and this framework will provides a good mechanism. We need the support at the political level to champion this framework for the Caribbean. If we say climate change adaptation is important to us, it must be highly articulated by our CARICOM Heads of Government. If we are not a resilient Caribbean, we will not be a safe Caribbean.”

Caribbean to adopt Regional Goal on Adaptation after UN summit stalemate

As intense negotiations on the Global Goal on Adaptation appear to have reached a stalemate at the pivotal United Nations global climate summit, COP28, a number of Caribbean leaders and climate experts forged ahead to launch a landmark civil society led framework to build resilience to these climate change impacts, the proposed Regional Goal on Adaptation (RGA) for the Caribbean.

Dr. Orville Grey, Head of Secretariat for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, International Institute for Sustainable Development, also urged governments to utilise the proposed RGA for the Caribbean.

Genre et Changement Climatique: Un atelier de pré-validation de la stratégie de communication et de sensibilisation du PNA Côte d’Ivoire (2023-2030)

En sus de l’ancrage institutionnel de la plateforme Nationale Genre et Changement Climatique (PNGCC), les acteurs s’alignent sur le Plan National d’Adaptation (PNA-CI 2023-2030) en mettant un point d’honneur à la communication et la sensibilisation.

Madame Aurélie Ceinos conseillère genre et égalité des chances à l’institut International du Développement Durable (IISD) par ailleurs, partenaire technique et financier de ladite plateforme y a participé par visioconférence. Elle s’est réjouie de cet atelier de consultation dont les résultats faciliteront l’appropriation du Nexus genre et changement climatique a tous les niveaux.  » nos actions contribueront à réduire la vulnérabilité des pays aux incidents des changements climatiques en renforçant leur capacité d’adaptation et leur resilience ». A a-t-elle affirmé.

Caribbean urged to stay active at COP28

CARIBBEAN nations have been encouraged to remain at the Conference of Parties (COP) table in order to ensure the region is equipped to cope with the effects of climate change.

The call was made by Dr Orville Grey, head of the National Adaptation Plan Global Network, at a virtual forum held last Wednesday ahead of this week’s United Nations climate summit, COP28, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Dia internacional contra el cambio climático: La ciudad de Rosario impulsa una nutrida agenda en la semana de la celebración

Con motivo del día internacional contra el cambio climático, que se celebró este martes 24 de octubre, la ciudad de Rosario, a través de la Secretaría de Ambiente y Espacio Público, organiza actividades con el objetivo de profundizar el compromiso de rosarinas y rosarinos en la lucha contra el cambio climático. 

En este sentido, en el marco del proyecto de mejora en la evaluación de riesgo y vulnerabilidades climáticas con perspectiva de género, financiado por el NAP Global Network, se convoca a vecinos y vecinas e instituciones barriales a sumarse a los talleres “Cambio climático: ¿Cómo nos afecta y qué podemos hacer?”.  

Communities In Marsabit County Take Lead In Climate Resilience Projects

“Marsabit County faces unique climate challenges due to its status as an Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL), The region’s predominant economic activity is livestock keeping, with 81 percent of households depending on it. However, recent climate shocks, such as droughts, erratic rainfall, and floods, have severely impacted this sector,” said Janet Ahatho, the Director of Environment and Climate Change, Marsabit County during an interview in Nairobi during the Peer Learning Summit on “Vertical Integration in the National Adaptation Plan Process.”