
Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below to see the latest media releases from NAP Global Network and features in media.

Discover key trends and information in National Adaptation Plans

This new platform will assist government officials and stakeholders involved in planning and implementing long-term adaptation actions by providing:

  • Content analyses of multi-sector NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC’s NAP Central.
  • Trends in key themes, such as gender equality, nature-based solutions, and alignment with other sustainable development mechanisms and agendas.
  • Statistics that demonstrate an overview of the key issues and priorities in country adaptation plans.

Designing and Implementing a Gender-Just NDC and NAP in the Marshall Islands

Over the past few decades, the Republic of Marshall Islands has made a concerted effort to advance gender equality and human rights across institutions and sectors. Last year, members of World Resources Institute and NAP Global Network helped identify the strengths and challenges of RMI’s climate policies and put forward a set of recommendations to inform the enhancement of RMI’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), National Adaptation Plan (NAP) as well as overall climate action in the country.

Enhancing Climate Ambition Amidst Global Challenges

“Scaling up adaptation is important for the many countries – especially countries in the Small Island Developing State and Least Developed Country groups – that have contributed the least to global greenhouse gas emissions but are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,” said Anne Hammill, IISD’s senior director of the resilience program.

Los desafíos climáticos requieren mayor ambición de países e instituciones

“La ampliación de la adaptación es importante para muchos países, especialmente los de los grupos de Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo (Peid) y Países Menos Adelantados (PMA), que son los que menos han contribuido a las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero, pero los más vulnerables a los efectos del cambio climático”, dijo Anne Hammill, directora principal del programa de resiliencia del IISD.

A platform analyzing the latest information and trends in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)

NAP Trends, an initiative of the NAP Global Network, aims to share key information on NAPs to make it easy to access for the adaptation community. The platform provides concise summaries of key information in NAP documents, as well as analysis of trends across countries. It is based on systematic reviews of NAP documents submitted to NAP Central, the portal for NAPs communicated to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Zimbabwe Accelerates Climate Fight…Adaptation Communication Validation On Cards

Speaking in an interview, Climate Change Management Department Director Washington Zhakata said the AdCom reflects on what is transpiring, while at the same time giving a picture of the country’s plans in the fight against climate change. “Zimbabwe, through the NAP Global Network, is in the process of developing its first Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC. The communication is a summary of what is being done and planned towards adapting to climate change. So tomorrow’s (today) meeting is aimed at validating the communication document,” said Zhakata.