Sector Adaptation Strategy and Adaptation Plan (SASAP) for Water Resources in Suriname

To address the impacts of climate change on its people, ecosystems, and economy, the Government of Suriname developed a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for the period 2019–2029. The NAP identifies strategic priorities, proposed outputs, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for adaptation in the water resources sector. However, it does not provide details on how these will be achieved. To address this gap, a sector adaptation strategy and action plan (SASAP) is needed to further elaborate the details of priority adaptation actions to be implemented.

The SASAP provides actors in the water resources sector, including government bodies and non-governmental stakeholders, with a structured plan for integrating adaptation in the sector, as well as a set of concept notes to help enable funds to be secured for the implementation of priority actions. It was developed with inputs from a broad range of stakeholders representing different government ministries, conservation organizations, private sector actors, and Indigenous and Maroon organizations.


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Publisher: Government of Suriname