Five Steps to Ensure Your Private Sector Engagement Is Gender Responsive

As governments engage the private sector in their NAP process, they should take these necessary steps to ensure their efforts are gender responsive. View the story Five Steps to Ensure YourPrivate Sector EngagementIs Gender Responsive By Clare Church Private sector actors are increasingly seen as integral stakeholders in the NAP process. As governments embark on […]

Botswana’s Pragmatic Approach to a Climate-Proof Economy

Sennye Masike PhD, Environmental Economist, CLIMsystems Ltd

Botswana’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) framework will contribute to the country’s climate change adaptation efforts by guiding the development of the NAP process and give direction to sectoral initiatives.

Making Adaptation More Effective in Nigeria: Nigeria’s NAP process

Yerima Tarfa (PhD), Director, Climate Change Department, Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja and Francis Adesina (PhD), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

The process of developing Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan Framework has unveiled the challenges in Nigeria’s adaptation programming, particularly showing which issues need attention for a greater impact in the country.

Business-as-Unusual: Working with Ghana’s Private Sector on Climate Change Adaptation

Paolo Cozzi and Kouassigan Tovivo, Implementation Specialists, Climate Analytics Inc.

Creating more climate-resilient societies will also require action from businesses. We supported the government of Ghana in developing an innovative strategy for leveraging the private sector to ensure the success of its national adaptation planning.

Les progrès réalisés dans l’avancement de processus de PNA qui répondent aux questions de genre : nos réponses à vos questions

Julie Dekens

Le 16 avril 2020, le Réseau mondial de PNA a organisé un webinaire sur Les progrès réalisés dans l’avancement de processus de PNA qui répondent aux questions de genre. Durant ce webinaire, vous avez été nombreux à nous envoyer vos questions. Cet article offre nos réponses à certaines d’entre elles. La première partie aborde les […]

Peru Hosts a Series of Virtual Meetings as the Final Stage of Developing its NAP Document

The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis is not preventing Peruvians from pursuing their goal of building a more resilient country. Rather, engagement with stakeholders aimed at refining the content of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) has moved to a virtual platform and will be conducted between April and June. The first one, hosted by Peru’s Ministry of […]

How National Adaptation Planning Can Help Build Peace

By Clare Church and Alec Crawford

In many states struggling with fragility, climate change vulnerability, and conflict are inextricably linked. Aligning and coordinating the agendas of climate change adaptation and peacebuilding will be imperative to ensure the sustainable development of these states. The NAP process presents a significant opportunity to bring these agendas together.

How National Adaptation Planning Can Help Build Peace

In many states struggling with fragility, climate change vulnerability, and conflict are inextricably linked. Aligning and coordinating the agendas of climate change adaptation and peacebuilding will be imperative to ensure the sustainable development of these states. The NAP process presents a significant opportunity to bring these agendas together. View the story Share this story on […]