PRAGUE – The Czech Republic has join a network to coordinate their support for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with eight other bilateral development partner agencies.
The NAP Global Network enhance the NAP process and its implementation in developing countries by coordinating bilateral support and in-country actors. The Network involves participants from over 70 countries.
“The Czech Republic believes that through the NAP Global Network we can share our knowledge and help other countries in their adaptation efforts which will allow us to reach our joint global adaptation goal adopted in the Paris Agreement,” said Pavel Zamyslický, Director, Department of Energy and Climate Protection, Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic will join development partner agencies that are already active in the NAP Global Network from the United States, Germany, Canada, Austria, Australia, France, the Netherlands and the European Commission.
“We are excited to announce the Czech Republic’s participation in the network,” said Anne Hammill, Director of the NAP Global Network. “With more bilateral partners at the table to discuss how the NAP process is unfolding internationally, bilateral donors are getting a clearer picture of where their support can be most effectively deployed, and sharing lessons about best practices in the NAP process.”
The NAP process was created by the United Nations as an opportunity for countries to plan for robust, sustainable development in the face of climate stress. Each country’s NAP is driven by its unique adaptation needs.
The NAP Global Network was created in 2014 to enhance support for national adaptation planning through sustained peer learning, support for national level action on NAP development and implementation, and through donor coordination. Initial funding for the Network is provided by the United States’ State Department and Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ. The Secretariat is hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).