Analysis and commentary on the Network’s experiences coordinating climate-resilient development.
Analysis and commentary on the Network’s experiences coordinating climate-resilient development.
By Deborah Murphy, Senior Associate, International Institute for Sustainable Development
This blog post was originally published on NDC Partnership website. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) set out countries’ ambitions for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to achieve our commitment to the Paris Agreement. Though not mandatory, most countries have also chosen to include information on how they plan to adapt to the impacts of climate change. […]
By Alec Crawford and Clare Church
This post is the first of our five-part blog series on engaging the private sector in national adaptation planning processes. Stay tuned for the second installment of this series on June 12, 2019. To learn more, read our guidance note on the subject. Businesses around the world—big and small, from large-scale banks to smallholder farmers—invest […]
By Yannick Glemarec, Green Climate Fund Executive Director
Climate change is an existential threat to all people. The challenges it poses are immediate and urgent. Evidence of ever-higher levels of climate risks are mounting, as global temperatures increase, sea levels rise and glaciers melt. More and more people worldwide are feeling the impacts of water scarcity, heat waves and wildfires, and, in some instances, catastrophic storms and floods. Vulnerable groups in developing countries, such as coastal communities, smallholder farmers and the urban poor, are particularly affected by rising temperatures and climate-related disasters.
By Janet Strachan and Anika Terton
When it comes to adapting to climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, nations around the world have access to a few useful processes to help them reach their goals—namely, their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes. In countries where adaptation information is included in NDCs, the two […]
By Emily F. Matingo, Climate Change Scientist, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement, Zimbabwe
See also: Zimbabwe’s NAP Roadmap. On February 20, over 100 participants gathered in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, to attend the launch of Zimbabwe’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Readiness Project, financed by the Green Climate Fund. Before embarking on the GCF–NAP Readiness Project, the Government of Zimbabwe developed its NAP roadmap. The primary goal of the NAP roadmap is […]
Real progress in adaptation planning and action is taking place in many countries. This article highlights just 10 examples of this progress on NAP processes. It draws upon the work of the NAP Global Network and stories from colleagues from other programs and organizations working to build momentum in NAP processes.
A conversation with Adrian Fenton
In an interview conducted by Clare Church, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network spoke with Adrian Fenton, embedded advisor to the Fijian Government, who has been supporting the Ministry of Economy with the development of Fiji’s NAP process. Some answers may have been shortened for clarification and brevity.
By Ziona Eyob, Clare Church and Patrina Dumaru
A look at Integrated Vulnerability Assessments through an expert lens.
By Clare Church and Angie Dazé
Lessons from Jamaica’s Workshop on Integrating Gender into the NAP Process.
Por Cesar Henrique Arrais
Entrevista con el especialista en comunicaciones Víctor Santillán, sobre el primer Taller Nacional de Comunicadores y Periodistas sobre Cambio Climático en el Perú.