Analysis and commentary on the Network’s experiences coordinating climate-resilient development.
Analysis and commentary on the Network’s experiences coordinating climate-resilient development.
By Patrick Guerdat, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
This year, the NAP Global Network conducted a review of the available NAP progress reports. The results indicate that the reports differ in terms of the stated objectives, the approaches to evaluating the progress made, and the way the results are presented and communicated. We see that the process of developing NAP progress reports presents many challenges as well as many opportunities to strengthen NAP processes.
An interview by Julie Dekens with Jean Douglas Anaman, National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process coordinator at the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Côte d’Ivoire
A conversation with Jean Douglas Anaman, National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process coordinator at the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Côte d’Ivoire.
Un entretien de Julie Dekens avec Jean Douglas Anaman, coordinateur du processus de Plan national d’adaptation (PNA) au Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable de la Côte d’Ivoire
Nous nous sommes entretenus avec Jean Douglas Anaman, coordinateur du processus de PNA au Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, pour mieux comprendre comment le travail de ces deux conseillers contribue à améliorer le processus de PNA de la Côte d’Ivoire.
By Amy Savage (World Health Organization [WHO]), Angie Dazé (IISD), and Elena Villalobos Prats (WHO)
More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing major disruptions in the delivery of essential health services. As attention shifts to recovery, we have an opportunity to build health systems that are more resilient to future health shocks as well as to the impacts of climate change. National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes provide a basis for ensuring that this happens.
By Alec Crawford, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
The scale of the humanitarian crisis in Somalia is immense. It has also been described as the most vulnerable country in the world to climate change. There is growing recognition that it must start adaptation planning now to protect and enhance the peace gains that have been made.
By Catherine Burge and Julia Donaldson, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
This International Women’s Day, the NAP Global Network reflects on examples of the work and resources available to support women’s rights, talents, leadership, and ingenuity in climate action.
By Alec Crawford and Julia Donaldson, IISD
While rarely in and of itself a sole driver of violence, climate change impacts can exacerbate traditional drivers of conflict. The international community must come together to help vulnerable countries build resilience on all fronts.
Anika Terton and Christian Ledwell, IISD, in collaboration with IKI Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)/GIZ
Many countries have initiated and are advancing their NAP processes to identify and address their priorities for adapting to climate change.
Anne Hammill, Senior Director, Resilience Program, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Progress takes many forms. How can we transform adaptation planning and decision-making systems to reduce harm and loss in the face of climate change? Here’s what we’ve learned so far.
Patrick Pringle, Pandanus Climate Consulting/Senior Research Associate, Climate Analytics
As recognition of learning within monitoring and evaluation for climate adaptation grows, this guest blog explores how to move from rhetoric to practical action.