Kenya-Zambia Peer Learning Partnership: Enhancing Finance for National Adaptation Plan Processes

Nairobi, Kenya | February 19-21, 2025

Adaptation decision makers and a range of key actors from Kenya and Zambia met in Nairobi to share learning and experiences on identifying, mobilizing, and managing finance for national adaptation plan (NAP) processes.  The NAP Global Network facilitated this bilateral 1:1 peer-to-peer partnership while providing technical and financial support for the workshop through funding from […]

Open Call for Expressions of Interest: Training on Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in NAP Processes

The NAP Global Network has launched an open call for countries to submit expressions of interest to organize a training on mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion in NAP processes in 2025.

The National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP GN) has launched an open call for countries to submit expressions of interest (EOIs) to organize a training workshop on mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in NAP processes in 2025. This call for EOIs aims to help countries translate their engagement to mainstream GESI in their […]

Malaysia Sets the Course to Enhance Resilience with the Formulation of an Inclusive NAP 

The Malaysian government hosted the kick-off workshops for a new project that aims to strengthening capacities to increase resilience with the formulation of an inclusive NAP.

The Malaysian government hosted the kick-off workshops for a new project that marks an important milestone for advancing its national adaptation plan (NAP) process on January 7-8, 2025, in Kuala Lumpur.  Malaysia has secured a EUR 2.8 million grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the project Strengthening Capacities to Increase Resilience With the […]

Tonga Operationalizes Climate Change Fund to Boost Access to Adaptation Finance 

The Cabinet of the Kingdom of Tonga has adopted the Regulations and Operational Manual for the Tonga Climate Change Fund, marking an important milestone for climate action.  

The Cabinet of the Kingdom of Tonga has adopted the Regulations and Operational Manual for the Tonga Climate Change Fund (TCCF), marking an important milestone for climate action.   The TCCF is the first national climate change fund in the Pacific region, and once operational, will be a key source of implementing national priorities, including those […]

Perú fortalece su compromiso con la adaptación al cambio climático a través del taller Dialoguemos Multisectorial

Un taller multisectorial reunió a actores clave para coordinar estrategias y aumentar la responsabilidad colectiva para enfrentar el cambio climático en el país.

LIMA, PERÚ — Con resultados clave y consensos alcanzados, culminó el pasado 26 de noviembre el taller “Dialoguemos Multisectorial: Fortaleciendo y articulando la ambición en adaptación al cambio climático con miras al 2030 – 2035”, organizado por el Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) a través de la Dirección General de Cambio Climático y Desertificación, con el […]

Accelerating Adaptation Action at COP 29: Progress on formulating and implementing NAPs

This event sought to share progress, lessons learned, and pathways to meet the Global Stocktake’s (GST) call for all Parties to put national adaptation plans in place by 2025 and make progress in implementing them by 2030.

Since the launch of the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) at COP 16, countries have made significant progress, but challenges and gaps remain. Gathering governments, UN agencies, and technical assistance partners, this event sought to share progress, lessons learned, and pathways to meet the Global Stocktake’s (GST) call for all Parties […]

COP 29 | Celebrating a Decade of NAP Global Network Support to Developing Countries

This side event showcased NAP Global Network’s work over the past decade with developing countries as they aim to accelerate and strengthen NAP processes.

This side event showcased NAP Global Network’s work over the past decade with developing countries as they aim to accelerate and strengthen NAP processes.

Upcoming Course on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for NAP Processes

Grow your knowledge with us!

A new massive open online course (MOOC)—developed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development—on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes will launch in early 2025. The course will equip professionals working in climate change adaptation with key methodologies, tools, and practical skills for implementing effective MEL systems. Why Take the […]

NAP Global Network at COP 29

Baku, Azerbaijan | November 11-22, 2024

The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, 2024, with climate finance at the heart of this year’s conference as it aims to better address the funding needs of developing countries for mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage. COP 29 is also a critical […]

Peer Learning Event: Developing and strengthening MEL systems in NAP processes 

Ha Long, Viet Nam | September 10 to 12, 2024

The NAP Global Network and the Government of Vietnam co-organized a 3-day regional peer learning event for Asian-Pacific countries from September 10 to 12 in Ha Long City, Vietnam, on monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems for national adaptation plan (NAP) processes.   Representatives from Vietnam (host), Bhutan, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Tonga, and […]