Cambodia Hosts Global Forum on Planning for Climate Change Impacts

Targeted Topics Forum | Phnom Penh, Cambodia | Sept 21 -23, 2016

PHNOM PENH – Cambodia is hosting a global forum on national adaptation planning to prepare for climate change impacts. The forum, which involves representatives from over 10 countries, is organized by the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network and will focus on building political support for climate change adaptation. “Cambodia takes climate change very seriously, and it is […]

Complete first sNAPshot policy brief series available online

Series focuses on integrating adaptation considerations into sector planning

At COP 21 last year, the NAP Global Network launched the sNAPshot policy brief series to share the lessons emerging from our activities. The sNAPshot briefs are based on the experiences shared by the Network’s participants. This first series looks at a spectrum of approaches for how countries are integrating adaptation considerations into sector planning, which we saw emerging […]

Albania launches plan to prepare for climate change impacts

International representatives from the Philippines and Grenada, also members of the NAP Global Network, attended the event to share their experiences.

TIRANA, JUNE 29, 2016 — The Albanian government has launched its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to prepare for the impacts of climate change. “We are very pleased to launch Albania’s National Adaptation Plan, which represents a collaborative vision for protecting Albanian communities from the threats posed by a changing climate,” said Laureta Dibra, Head of […]

Targeted Topics Forum: “Financing NAPs: Options for Implementation”

Kingston, Jamaica | March 15-17, 2016

We recently held our 2nd Targeted Topics Forum (TTF) with the theme “Financing National Adaptation Plans: Options for Implementation” in Kingston, Jamaica, from March 15-17. 2016. The TTF brought together 42 participants representing 11 countries and five organizations to address a range of financing options including domestic public finance, international finance, and private finance. Presentations from this forum are available […]

US, Canada leaders announce joint support for NAP Global Network

United States President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced their joint support for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network during a bilateral summit in Washington on Thursday, March 10, 2016. The joint statement read: “Canada and the US will work with developing country partners to assist in implementation of their INDCs […]

sNAPshots series launch

at COP21

Based on concrete experiences of countries participating in the Network, this series examines how countries are currently approaching different aspects of the NAP process. This launch issue draws on concrete examples to show how the impetus for sector integration can be found in different ministries and at different levels depending on the country context.

The NAP Global Network at COP21

The NAP Global Network is gearing up for activities in Paris during the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP21). The Network is planning for a number of events on the margins of COP21—follow the links to individual event postings and stay tuned to our website for more details on our presence […]

Frequently Asked Questions: The NAP Global Network

Please find below the following questions and answers related to the NAP Global Network: A. General information on the Network i) What is the NAP Global Network? ii) What are the NAP Global Network’s activities? iii) When and how was the NAP Global Network established? iv) Who can participate in the Network’s activities? v) How does […]