Malawi hosts international forum on adapting to climate change

Listen to radio coverage on Zodiak Malawi: LILONGWE, FEB 12, 2016—Representatives from 12 countries meet in Lilongwe this week to discuss strategies to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The forum will focus on best practices related to measuring the success of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes. Countries from many regions are represented at […]

Le Togo accueille une Assemblée sur le PNA et présente son Plan national d’adaptation

Préparé par Birte Derrix, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Lire le résumé de l’Assemblée sur la Planification Nationale de l’Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques. {English version follows} LOMÉ 1 DECEMBRE 2016—Aujourd’hui, le Togo accueille sa première assemblée sur le PNA au cours de laquelle le pays présentera son Plan national d’adaptation (PNA), récemment rédigé. Depuis 2014, la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH soutient […]

Paris Implementation: Sustained Peer Learning, Coordination and Support in the NAP Global Network

COP 22 event recap by Anika Terton

On November 9th, the NAP Global Network and Grenada co-hosted an official side event at COP 22. The event focused on the recent activities of the NAP Global Network and highlighted Grenada’s and Albania’s national adaptation planning processes. The event was moderated by Mr. Trevor Thompson (Grenada) who first introduced Frank Fass-Metz from the Federal […]

National Adaptation Plan Global Network Announces Five New Partners

MARRAKECH, November 14, 2016—Australia, Austria, Canada, France and the European Commission have joined a network to enhance their support for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes in developing countries that are preparing for climate change impacts. Through their participation in the NAP Global Network, these countries and the European Commission will coordinate with other bilateral donors […]

Lessons Learned from the Case Studies of NAP Process and Implementation of Adaptation Actions in the Asia-Pacific Region

On November 15 at COP 22 in Marrakech, Japan’s Ministry of the Environment hosted this event focused on case studies of National Adaptation PLan (NAP) processes and actions in the Asia-Pacific region. From the case studies, lessons on institutional arrangements, capacity building, assessing and planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation The following speakers share their experiences, lessons learned and […]

President’s High-Level Event: Progress in Advancing National Adaptation Plans

COP 22 side event

On November 14 in Marrakech, the COP 22 President H. E. Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, hosted a high-level event to highlight the central role of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other entities in advancing adaptation through National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). In this event, panelists highlighted opportunities for countries to use the […]

New Guidance on Vertical Integration in NAP Processes Launched at COP22

by Anika Terton

On the sidelines of COP 22 on November 8th, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network held a mini-side event to launch a new guidance note on vertical integration in NAP processes, featuring speakers from Colombia and Cambodia. Hayley Price-Kelly (IISD) gave an overview of the NAP Global Network and its overarching goals before introducing Angie Dazé […]

NAP Global Network at COP 22

The 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC takes place from 7-18 November 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco. During conference, parties will, among other things, begin operationalizing the Paris climate change agreement. The NAP Global Network will be playing an active role at COP 22 to highlight successes so far in […]

Caribbean countries share plans to adapt to climate change

Coverage via Grenada Broadcast Network Television ST GEORGE’S, OCT 12, 2016—Representatives from 10 Caribbean countries and development agency partners will meet in Grenada’s capital of St. George’s this week to discuss strategies to prepare for the impact of climate change. Grenada held the final consultation on its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on Tuesday, October 11, […]