Read the latest NAP GN news items and engage with us through our peer learning events, webinars, and conferences.
Read the latest NAP GN news items and engage with us through our peer learning events, webinars, and conferences.
Vulnerability assessments and monitoring, evaluation, and learning frameworks were validated as part of the Somali NAP process
En el evento, realizado en Santiago de Chile, se compartieron los desafíos y las oportunidades más importantes para la construcción de los vínculos nacionales y subnacionales en los procesos NAP.
The event, held in Santiago, Chile, shared key challenges and opportunities in building national–sub-national links in National Adaptations Plan processes.
Santiago, Chile | 27 al 30 de marzo, 2023
Santiago, Chile | March 27 - 30, 2023
Highlighting the critical role of the National Adaptation Plan process
Dakar, Senegal | February 21-23, 2023