The NAP Global Network’s Targeted Topics Forum on Financing NAPs: Options for Implementation explored the wide range of financing sources and mechanisms that can be used to support the implementation of NAPs. This Overview Brief introduces the topic of using domestic public finance for the implementation of NAP processes. The following sNAPshot country briefs provide further detail […]
At COP 21 last year, the NAP Global Network launched the sNAPshot policy brief series to share the lessons emerging from our activities. The sNAPshot briefs are based on the experiences shared by the Network’s participants. This first series looks at a spectrum of approaches for how countries are integrating adaptation considerations into sector planning, which we saw emerging […]
Targeted Topics Forums (TTFs) bring together policy-makers and practitioners to have focused, technical discussions on challenges and best practices related to the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. We held our second TTF in Jamaica in March 2016 on the theme of “Financing NAPs: Options for Implementation,” bringing together 42 participants representing 11 countries and five […]
This event highlighted opportunities for south-south learning through the NAP Global Network, focusing in on the example of sharing experiences using climate information to support the NAP process.
Based on concrete experiences of countries participating in the Network, this series examines how countries are currently approaching different aspects of the NAP process. This launch issue draws on concrete examples to show how the impetus for sector integration can be found in different ministries and at different levels depending on the country context.
This Overview Brief introduces the topic of sector integration and different ways to initiate it in the NAP process.
Please find below the following questions and answers related to the NAP Global Network: A. General information on the Network i) What is the NAP Global Network? ii) What are the NAP Global Network’s activities? iii) When and how was the NAP Global Network established? iv) Who can participate in the Network’s activities? v) How does […]
Beyond taking urgent action to fight climate change, the NAP process and engagement around it provide an example of how we can strengthen the means of implementation (and financing) of the SDGs.
Please find below the following questions and answers related to the NAP Global Network: A. General information on the Network i) What is the NAP Global Network? ii) What are the NAP Global Network’s activities? iii) When and how was the NAP Global Network established? iv) Who can participate in the Network’s activities? v) How does […]
A range of approaches to integrating adaptation considerations across sectors and levels demonstrates how the NAP process can lead to a common outcome (integration) via varying country-specific pathways.