New Toolkit for Gender-Responsive Adaptation Planning Launched at COP 25

On Gender Day, the NAP Global Network, in partnership with the UNFCCC Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and Adaptation Committee (AC), launched a new toolkit to support country efforts in pursuing a gender-responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.

Stories of Progress in NAP Processes in 2019

National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes are the foundation for effective adaptation action. The UN reports that 120 developing countries have now launched NAP processes. This article collects stories from 12 countries that—led by national governments—reached milestones in their NAP processes in 2019 as part of the global effort to build resilience in a changing climate.

Stories of Progress in NAP Processes in 2019

National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes are the foundation for effective adaptation action. This article collects stories from 12 countries that—led by national governments—reached milestones in their NAP processes in 2019 as part of the global effort to build resilience in a changing climate. View the story Menu Kiribati Uruguay Saint Lucia Senegal Democratic Republic of […]

Ghana, Nigeria and Botswana Share Lessons on National Visions for Adaptation at COP 25

Adaptation experts from the governments of Ghana, Nigeria and Botswana shared their national visions for adaptation action a COP 25 side event organized by the NAP Global Network at the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Partnership pavilion. The event highlighted the three countries’ experiences with developing their NAP frameworks, focusing on how these documents have advanced […]

Peruvian Ministry of Environment Launches Participatory Process for the Development of the National Adaptation Plan on Climate Change

Press release | Peruvian Ministry of Environment

On Thursday, November 28th, the Ministry of Environment of Peru held its first meeting towards the participatory process for the development of its climate change National Adaptation Plan (NAP). This guidance document will be Peru’s most important tool for implementing all the actions needed to reduce risks and vulnerability against climate change’s effects while simultaneously […]

Participatory Development of Vulnerability Assessments in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Senegal for Better Adaptation Planning

By Sönke Marahrens, GIZ, Sarah D’haen & Melinda Noblet, Climate Analytics

Vulnerability assessments are an important part of a country’s National Adaptation Planning process, providing evidence for adaptation practitioners to make informed decisions about where adaptation action is needed most. Supported by Climate Analytics through the project “Science-based support for NAP processes in francophone Least Developed Countries of sub-Saharan Africa” (PAS-PNA)[1], the governments of Benin, Burkina […]

Nigeria Validates Its NAP Framework as Government Calls for Decisive Adaptation Action

The Nigerian National Adaptation Plan (NAP) framework was validated by stakeholders from both the public and private sectors during a workshop held in Abuja on November 5. The framework aims to guide the government in developing and implementing policies, plans and legislation that will assist Nigeria to address its medium- and long-term adaptation needs. The […]

Kiribati unveils updated plan for managing climate change and disaster risks during Climate Week

NEW YORK, September 27, 2019 – The Government of the Republic of Kiribati launched its revised Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management (KJIP), setting out its ambitions for building Kiribati’s resilience to climate change impacts. The KJIP was launched at a side-event organized by the Republic of Kiribati and the Republic […]

Botswana Commits to 16 Recommendations from Government Stakeholders for its NAP Framework

Botswana’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework Inception Report will incorporate 16 recommendations collected from the participants of the workshop hosted by the Botswana Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Conservation and Tourism, through the Department of Meteorological Services. Held in Gaborone on September 18, the event aimed to raise awareness of the country’s NAP process. The […]