GROS ISLET, SAINT LUCIA, February 12, 2024 – The Government of Saint Lucia takes a significant step in advancing its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with the launch of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme Grant (also referred to as the NAP GCF Readiness Project). The awarded 30-month GCF Readiness Project, titled Enhancing Saint Lucia’s National Adaptation Plan Process Through the Elaboration of Sector Strategies and Action Plans, a Strengthened Evidence Base, and Improved Private Sector Engagement, will actively engage stakeholders to overcome capacity and research limitations. The aim is to further develop adaptation measures in key sectors and to inform action, ultimately supporting the shift from adaptation planning to implementation.
The project launch and inaugural engagement session took place on February 8, 2024, at the Bay Gardens Hotel Bougainvillea Conference Room and brought together key stakeholders, experts, technical officers from various ministries, non-governmental and civil society organizations, and private sector actors to discuss key project areas. Saint Lucia’s Sustainable Development Minister, Hon. Shawn Edward, was in attendance and expressed his gratitude to partners and stakeholders. The Minister said, “Today’s launch of the Green Climate Fund Readiness Project unlocks another level to our climate adaptation efforts and will support the move towards the tangible gains of implementation. Your presence here is a signal of agreed collective action towards bolstering Saint Lucia’s climate adaptation efforts. Each of you here represents key sectoral and cross-sectoral stakeholder groups who will contribute towards building plans of action to safeguard our heritage, homes, and livelihoods.”
The project, valued at USD 1.7 million, will be rolled out in phases over the next 30 months and seeks to strengthen the capacity of the remaining priority NAP sectors, namely education, tourism and infrastructure/spatial planning to develop sectoral adaptation strategies and action plans; bolster the evidence base in these key sectors to advance adaptation technologies and solutions focused on coastal resilience, and enhance private sector engagement in the adaptation process. The cabinet-endorsed Private Sector Engagement Strategy will also be implemented to promote private sector inclusion and participation in Saint Lucia’s climate change adaptation response. Research and assessments conducted during this project will also enhance the understanding of climate-related coastal vulnerabilities, risks, and impacts to guide decision making and adaptation planning. All activities are expected to position Saint Lucia to gain greater access to finance, which will enable the country to implement adaptation plans and thus strengthen climate resilience across sectors, the fundamental goal of the NAP GCF Readiness Project.

Saint Lucia’s Sustainable Development Minister, Hon. Shawn Edward, said, “Today’s launch of the Green Climate Fund Readiness Project unlocks another level to our climate adaptation efforts and will support the move towards the tangible gains of implementation. (Photo: Government of Saint Lucia)
As Saint Lucia’s Climate Change Focal Point, the Department of Sustainable Development will lead the implementation of this project, with the support of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), through the NAP Global Network, as the nominated delivery partner. Saint Lucia has partnered with the NAP Global Network since 2017 and launched its first NAP in 2018. The United Nations Office for Project Services will provide grant management support to IISD and the Department of Economic Development.
The NAP GCF Readiness Project will boost climate resilience efforts, defining how the country and its population will adapt to the urgent and growing threat of climate change. Saint Lucians can expect to witness and be part of widespread consultation, engagement, and awareness-raising activities throughout the project.
For more information on Saint Lucia’s NAP process, visit its in-country support page on the NAP Global Network website.