Watch: Caribbean Adaptation Planners Share Lessons on NAP Process

In this new video, we speak with participants in a Caribbean NAP Assembly that the NAP Global Network co-hosted in October 2016, where 11 Caribbean countries discussed their experiences engaging in the National Adaptation Plan process. “The process to develop the NAP allows us to set in a robust manner medium- and long-term goals for climate change adaptation […]

Network Launches Webinar Series on Key Topics in the NAP process

Watch our first webinar on "Sector Integration in the NAP Process"

The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network has launched a webinar series to provide an online forum for sharing lessons and experiences that are emerging as countries progress through their NAP processes. Each webinar addresses a specific technical topic related to national adaptation planning through presentations of countries’ experiences, relevant research and guidance, and opportunities for discussion […]

Working Towards a Caribbean Regional Approach to Monitoring and Evaluating NAPs

by Dawn Pierre-Nathoniel, Sustainable Development & Environment Officer, Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia, like many of our Caribbean neighbours, has been committed, for many years, to building its resilience to climate change. Though we are at the early stages of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, we recognize it as an important opportunity to prepare our society and economy for climate change impacts. While the NAP […]

Year In Review: Six key impacts in 2016

2016 was a landmark year for climate change adaptation. Building on adaptation’s prominent role in the Paris Agreement, 2016 saw unprecedented international political momentum to tackle climate change impacts in vulnerable countries. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network had an exciting year working to do our part to help move the dial forward on […]

Le Togo accueille une Assemblée sur le PNA et présente son Plan national d’adaptation

Préparé par Birte Derrix, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Lire le résumé de l’Assemblée sur la Planification Nationale de l’Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques. {English version follows} LOMÉ 1 DECEMBRE 2016—Aujourd’hui, le Togo accueille sa première assemblée sur le PNA au cours de laquelle le pays présentera son Plan national d’adaptation (PNA), récemment rédigé. Depuis 2014, la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH soutient […]

Using NDCs and NAPs to Advance Climate-Resilient Development

by Hayley Price-Kelly and Anne Hammill, IISD

With the Paris Agreement’s entry into force, the focus is shifting towards its implementation—in particular, countries are looking at how to meet the commitments they set out in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)[1]. Although not mandatory, many countries are choosing to include an adaptation component in their NDC in addition to setting out their mitigation […]

New Guidance on Vertical Integration in NAP Processes Launched at COP22

by Anika Terton

On the sidelines of COP 22 on November 8th, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network held a mini-side event to launch a new guidance note on vertical integration in NAP processes, featuring speakers from Colombia and Cambodia. Hayley Price-Kelly (IISD) gave an overview of the NAP Global Network and its overarching goals before introducing Angie Dazé […]

Green Climate Fund to Boost Support for National Adaptation Plans

by Anne Hammill and Hayley Price-Kelly, IISD

At its 13th meeting in Songdo, Republic of Korea, at the end of June, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board announced plans to provide financial support to developing countries for the formulation of national adaptation plans (NAPs) and/or other national adaptation planning processes. Specifically, countries can now request up to USD 3 million in support […]