Fiji Hosts International Forum on Adapting to Climate Change

NADI—Specialists from more than 20 countries meet in Fiji this week to share lessons for preparing for climate change impacts. The international forum, co-hosted by the Government of the Republic of Fiji and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, will bring together representatives from countries that are developing and implementing plans to adapt to […]

COP 23: Moving the conversation on gender and climate change adaptation forward

by Angie Dazé and Julie Dekens, IISD

The first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Gender Action Plan (GAP), developed under the Lima work program on gender, was adopted at COP 23 to help UNFCCC parties implement gender-related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC process. The (draft) decision includes a commitment to gender balance, participation and women’s leadership and gender-responsive […]

NAP Global Network at COP 23

See also: Multimedia on NAP Process Lessons and Experiences | COP 23 Governments from around the world are meeting in Bonn, Germany from November 6-17 at the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference to discuss implementation of the Paris Agreement. The NAP Global Network will be playing an active role at COP 23 to highlight successes so […]

Kiribati Strengthens Gender Considerations in the Revision of its NAP Document

Julie Dekens (IISD), Choi Yeeting (Office of the President, Kiribati), Anne Kautu (Ministry of Women, Youth and Social Affairs, Kiribati)

See also: NAP Global Network report on Strengthening Gender Considerations in Kiribati’s NAP Process. Kiribati—a country made of 33 low-lying atolls scattered across the Pacific Ocean—is already experiencing an increase in sea-surface temperatures and sea-level rise. Adding to these risks is Kiribati’s extreme remoteness, with hundreds of kilometres of ocean between the atolls and their […]

Three Key Actions to Make NAP Processes More Gender-Responsive

by Angie Dazé and Julie Dekens, IISD

Following our pilot analysis of how gender considerations are being integrated into national adaptation planning documents, we at the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network have been reflecting on the best way forward to achieve gender-responsive NAP processes. How can country teams move forward in addressing gender issues in their NAP processes? We have developed […]

Gender in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes: A pilot review of climate change adaptation planning documents from 15 countries

by Angie Dazé and Julie Dekens, IISD

The linkages between gender and climate change adaptation have been recognized as a key issue under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since the early 2000s. The 2015 Paris Agreement increased the ambition on gender, referring to gender equality and women’s empowerment and calling for action on climate change to be gender-responsive. […]

Gender, Adaptation Planning and the Art of Asking the “Right” Questions

by Angelica V. Ospina, IISD

Limited access by women and girls to productive assets—including land, financial resources and information—as well as their limited participation in decision-making processes can exacerbate the consequences of climate change shocks and stresses, particularly in vulnerable developing countries. A recent webinar by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations convened a range of […]