Self-Assessment: A Learning Tool for Improving the Effectiveness of NAP Processes

The NAP Global Network’s South–South peer learning events provide a forum for exploring different aspects of the NAP process, focusing on key technical issues that will improve effectiveness. These events have used a variety of methods to support NAP actors from different countries in building their knowledge and learning from one another. Among these, self-assessment […]

Tanzania Hosts International Forum on Adapting to Climate Change

ZANZIBAR, February 12, 2019 — Experts from 13 developing countries are meeting this week in Zanzibar to share lessons on preparing for climate change impacts. The Targeted Topics Forum (TTF) opened today, co-hosted by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, bringing together representatives from countries […]

Thailand hosts Peer Learning Summit on climate change adaptation

Bangkok, October 1, 2018—Thailand’s Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning hosts a summit this week on strategies for achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals for preparing for the impacts of climate change. The peer learning summit on “The role of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in advancing the implementation of the adaptation […]

Forum Francophone sur le processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PNA)

Communiqué de presse | Le Ministre du Cadre de vie et du Développement Durable, Bénin

Cotonou—Dans le cadre de l’élaboration de son Plan National d’Adaptation (PNA), le Bénin en collaboration avec la République Fédéral d’Allemagne et le Réseau Mondial de PNA organisera, du 28 au 31 août 2018, au Millenium Popo Beach Hotel de Grand-Popo, le Forum Francophone sur le processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation. Le Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux […]

Saint Lucian Media Come Out to Support Climate Change Action

On Sunday, June 25, Saint Lucia’s Department of Sustainable Development collaborated with the NAP Global Network U.S. In-Country Support Program to host the workshop, Understanding Climate Change Adaptation in the Saint Lucia Context, for journalists and media workers. The aim was to foster enhanced awareness and build the conversation about taking action on climate change issues […]

Targeted Topics Forum: Monitoring and Evaluation in the NAP Process

Lilongwe, Malawi | Feb 7-9, 2017

We held a Targeted Topics Forum (TTF) on the theme of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in Lilongwe, Malawi from February 7-9, 2017 This TTF was attended by approximately 40 participants representing 9 developing countries who have met twice before at previous TTFs, as well as representatives of bilateral donors […]

Learning to Adapt: Taking Action on Lessons Emerging Through the NAP Global Network

One of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network’s objectives is to support sustained peer learning and exchange among countries around the world on the NAP process. This piece looks at how the Network has worked with three countries in our first peer group of Targeted Topics Forum countries—Grenada, Albania, and the Philippines—to facilitate continuous […]