“Is there a gender issue?”

Lessons from Jamaica’s Workshop on Integrating Gender into the NAP Process View the story "Is there a gender issue?" Lessons from Jamaica’s Workshop on Integrating Gender into the NAP Process By Clare Church and Angie Dazé Introduction “Do we even have a gender issue here?” One participant addressed a room filled with climate change and […]

Blog Perspective: Zimbabwe’s National Adaptation Plan experience

By Emily F. Matingo, Climate Change Scientist, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is experiencing more hot and fewer cold days than before as a result of climate change and climate variability. The country’s annual mean surface temperature has warmed by about 0.40C from 1900 to 2000. Zimbabwe’s third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) asserts that the period from 1980 […]

Thailand hosts Peer Learning Summit on climate change adaptation

Bangkok, October 1, 2018—Thailand’s Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning hosts a summit this week on strategies for achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals for preparing for the impacts of climate change. The peer learning summit on “The role of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in advancing the implementation of the adaptation […]

Forum Francophone sur le processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PNA)

Communiqué de presse | Le Ministre du Cadre de vie et du Développement Durable, Bénin

Cotonou—Dans le cadre de l’élaboration de son Plan National d’Adaptation (PNA), le Bénin en collaboration avec la République Fédéral d’Allemagne et le Réseau Mondial de PNA organisera, du 28 au 31 août 2018, au Millenium Popo Beach Hotel de Grand-Popo, le Forum Francophone sur le processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation. Le Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux […]

Cities as the New Protagonists of the National Adaptation Plan Process

By Arianna Flores Corral, Global Development Network

In recent years, municipal, local and regional governments’ voices have been heard loud and clear in climate change negotiations. But what is their role in the national adaptation planning process? Exciting conversations about answering this question took place at the recent NAP Expo—an annual outreach event organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) […]

Gender and Climate Change Adaptation: A learning journey

By Angie Dazé, IISD

The first time I was exposed to the gender dimensions of climate change adaptation was almost 15 years ago in the southwestern region of Bangladesh. I was working on a community-based adaptation project—in those days, taking a locally driven approach to adaptation was innovative in and of itself! In these rural communities surrounded by mangroves […]

NAP Donor Symposium and Peer Learning Event

Representatives of the Governments of Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gathered at UN House in Barbados to present their National Adaptation Plans and priorities to members of the donor community who are active in the Caribbean. Parties discussed coordinated ways of supporting adaptation in both countries in the future. Following the launch […]

10 best-bet innovations for agriculture in National Adaptation Plans

By Fabian Verhage, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

This blog was originally published on CCAFS’s website.  A degree of future climate change is inevitable, making adaptation measures indispensable. However, as many countries already face the challenges of poverty, hunger, gender inequality and unemployment, it is important to align adaptation and development efforts. To support this alignment, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on […]

Report: Recommendations for more gender-responsive NAPs

Network analysis finds most countries making an effort to integrate gender considerations into their NAP documents, but common challenges remain.

The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process is an important opportunity to address gender inequalities that influence vulnerability to climate change. The NAP Global Network has published Towards Gender-Responsive NAP Processes: Progress and Recommendations for the Way Forward, a report based on an analysis of all completed NAP documents available on NAP Central at the end […]