Vertical Integration: A Key Element of Inclusive, Effective NAP Processes

by Angie Dazé, IISD

With the Paris Agreement set to enter into force just before COP 22, attention is turning to how to implement the historic agreement: how do we achieve its commitments and how do we ramp up ambition over time? For the first time, we have a global goal for climate change adaptation that is explicitly linked […]

Albania launches plan to prepare for climate change impacts

International representatives from the Philippines and Grenada, also members of the NAP Global Network, attended the event to share their experiences.

TIRANA, JUNE 29, 2016 — The Albanian government has launched its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to prepare for the impacts of climate change. “We are very pleased to launch Albania’s National Adaptation Plan, which represents a collaborative vision for protecting Albanian communities from the threats posed by a changing climate,” said Laureta Dibra, Head of […]

Financing Adaptation and Resilience through Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and Fuel Duty

There is a troubling gap between the existing amount available in finance for climate change adaptation and its actual costs. Though methodologies for estimating adaptation costs are widely debated, the World Bank estimates that adaptation will cost countries tens of billions USD this century, and UNEP’s 2016 Adaptation Finance Gap Update predicts that these costs could escalate to be hundreds […]

Addressing Key Questions in the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation: Vertical Integration and Monitoring & Evaluation in the NAP process

by Hayley Price-Kelly & Angie Dazé

The Paris Agreement’s inclusion of an adaptation goal has raised adaptation’s profile in the international arena. Recognizing this, parties to COP 21 established a Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A)—complementing a pre-existing process for mitigation—as a contribution to enhanced action prior to 2020. The first meetings under this process—known as the Technical Expert Meeting on […]

sNAPshots series launch

at COP21

Based on concrete experiences of countries participating in the Network, this series examines how countries are currently approaching different aspects of the NAP process. This launch issue draws on concrete examples to show how the impetus for sector integration can be found in different ministries and at different levels depending on the country context.

The NAP process and the Sustainable Development Goals

Strengthening the means of implementation

Beyond taking urgent action to fight climate change, the NAP process and engagement around it provide an example of how we can strengthen the means of implementation (and financing) of the SDGs.

Video Coverage: Enhancing Bilateral Support for NAPs

Side event at UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB42)

On Friday, June 5, the NAP Global Network convened a side event on “Enhancing bilateral support for national adaptation plan processes” on the margins of the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB42). The session addressed how to enhance bilateral support for designing and implementing national adaptation plans (NAPs) with inputs from developing countries’ representatives and […]