These resources from the NAP Global Network and links to other relevant sources provide background information and tools relevant to the NAP process.
These resources from the NAP Global Network and links to other relevant sources provide background information and tools relevant to the NAP process.
Documentaire | Sur les chemins de la résilience au Bénin
Gouvernement du Bénin
Advancing Gender-Responsive Climate Action
2021 ADB Asia and the Pacific Virtual Gender Forum
Infographic | Supporting Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes
Updates from the NAP Global Network
Accelerating Climate-Resilient Recovery
NAP Global Network Progress Report 2020-2021
Adaptation Communications: Frequently Asked Questions
by Anne Hammill and Christian Ledwell, NAP Global Network Secretariat
Discover the latest trends and key information in National Adaptation Plans from around the world.