The NAP Global Network worked with the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC) in Ethiopia from 2016 to 2020 to turn their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) into action, particularly at the subnational level.
We helped the government engage national and regional stakeholders on key issues related to the NAP process through dialogue and capacity-building processes.
We also supported the development of strategic documents that will help guide the implementation of the NAP and needed resource mobilization.
- Resource mobilization strategy: Government actors were equipped with a concrete strategy to secure resources for adaptation through domestic budgeting, international climate finance and the private sector.
- Monitoring & evaluation working paper: Recommendations provided for the design and operationalization of an M&E system for adaptation.
- Workshop | Development of a Resource Mobilization Strategy for Ethiopia’s NAP: EFCCC hosted a one-day workshop in Addis Ababa to engage stakeholders from the government, civil society, and international development partners in the development of the resource mobilization strategy.
- NAP Assembly: Gained the support of development partners towards the implementation of the NAP.
- Climate change mainstreaming tools: Updated guidelines for sector, regional and district-level institutions to integrate climate change adaptation in their planning and budgeting, as addressed in the NAP.
- Gender analysis report: Provided key stakeholders with a guide on how to integrate gender considerations into the country's NAP processes.
2017 - 2018
- Regional stakeholder workshops: More than 230 stakeholders introduced to the NAP, trained on adaptation and engaged in identifying regional-level priorities.
- Launch of NAP document: Increased awareness of the NAP process among government representatives, development partners and the media.

We can transform our strategy for implementation of our NAP into action through partnership and collaboration with development partners to build a more economically vibrant, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable country.
Professor Fekadu Beyene
Commissioner for Ethiopia's Environment,
Forest and Climate Change Commission