The NAP Global Network worked with the Tuvalu Meteorological Services and the Climate Change Policy and Disaster Coordination Unit (CCPDCU) of the Office of the Prime Minister in Tuvalu from 2017 to 2020 in order to ensure the effectiveness of the country’s NAP processes.

We supported the development of the ​Tuvalu National Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) Database, which strengthened data analysis for resilience investment decision making by tracking changes in vulnerability, monitoring progress, and identifying priority locations and adaptation needs to be addressed. We helped strengthen and further develop the systems put in place for Tuvalu’s NAP process.

  • Virtual Learning Event | Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for National Adaptation in Pacific Small Island Developing States: Provided a platform for Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to share perspectives, experiences and lessons learned on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of national adaptation. Participants included representatives from Tuvalu.
  • Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) Report: Funafuti Community, Funafuti: Captured the results of the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) as conducted in Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu.
  • Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) Report: Amatuku Islet, Funafuti: Captured the results of the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) as conducted in Amatuku Islet, Tuvalu.
  • Second Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) Database enhancement: The Climate Change Policy and Disaster Coordination Unit (CCPDCU) reviewed the vulnerability data for Funafuti, the last island for which data remained to be collected using the Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) approach. This data is particularly critical for informing the NAP process, as a growing majority of over 70% of the population resides on the island.
  • Vulnerability Report in one Funafuti locality: Piloted the development of vulnerability reports that analyze the content on the TIVA database.
  • Tuvalu Climate Change Adaptation Inventory: Populated an online platform with literature and secondary data relevant to the NAP process, helping policy-makers shape climate adaptation planning with a one-stop shop for accessing key climate change adaptation readings and data relevant to Tuvalu.
  • First Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) Database enhancement: Completed an error-check of the full reporting of 2018 IVA data, accessible to the Climate Change Policy and Disaster Coordination Unit (CCPDCU).

  • Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) variables and methods: Tailored the IVA variables and methods to reflect the Funafuti’s urban context and its specific needs, paving the way for the second TIVA Database enhancement in 2020.
  • Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) Database Launch: Developed a database for island-level vulnerability data, identifying priority adaptation needs, priority locations for adaptation action to meet those needs, as well as tracking changes in vulnerability.
  • Community-level vulnerability data collection:The Climate Change Policy and Disaster Coordination Unit (CCPDCU) collected community level data for eight (out of nine) outer islands using the Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) approach, a revised methodology that uses tablets to facilitate the collection, storage and presentation of data.